Nobel prize in Chemistry 2020 , Winner's name , Emmanuelle Charpentier & Jennifer A. Doudna biography , gene editing , CRISPR-Cas 9 mechanism and more information.....


The inventor of the Nobel prize is    " Alfred Nobel ".

The Nobel prize has been awarded Since 1901 . Initially , Nobel prize were Awaarded on  Total  Seven  Subject or Catagory . They are :
1. Physics
2. Chemistry
3. Physiology
4. Medicine
5. Literature 
6. Peace

7. Economics : subject was later added to the Nobel prize From 1969 . 

This is the most Prestigious and Honorable Award in the world . This Award is the highest paid in Honour . Which is higher than any other Award in the world . 
The amount that is paid in this Award , That is : $ 1.1 million or 9 crore rs/- in Indian Currency .

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Wednesday Awarded the 2020 Nobel prize in Chemistry to : Emmanuelle Charpentier and  Jennifer A. Doudna for developing of a method of " genome editing " .
Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna have discovered one of  gene technology's sharpest tools : The CRISPR- CaS 9 genetic Scissors . The academy said in the statement .

First , Let's take a look at the Biographies of these Two Nobel prize Winners 

1. Emmanuelle Charpentier :

Emmanuelle Marie Charpentier ( born 11 Dec. 1968 ) is a French Professor and Research in Microbiology , Genetics , Biochemistry .
She graduated from " Pierre and Marie Curie University " . Then she did his PhD from " Pasteur Institute " . She has been working on " genome editing " since that day .
Since 2015 ,  she has been a Director at Max Planck Institute for infection Biology in Berlin . In 2018 , She found an independent Research Institute , the Max Planck unit for the Since of Pathogene .

2. Jennifer A. Doudna :

Jennifer Anne Doudna ( born Feb. 1964 ) is an American Biochemist . She is a Lika Shing Chancellor Chair Professor in the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Molecular and Cell- Biology at the University of California , Berkeley .
She graduated from " Pumona College " in 1985 and earned a PhD from " Harvard Medical School " in 1989 . 
She has been an investigator with the " Howard Hughes Medical Institute " since 1997 and Since 2018 she holds the position of Senior investigator at the " Gladstone Institutes " as well as that of Professor at the University of California, San Francisco.

She working on RNA interference , she discover first X-ray based structure of Catalic RNA . 

What is  gene editing  ?

The two main components of a gene are DNA and RNA . All our information is stored in this DNA and RNA . Different traits or different disease or different information of our Ancestors are passed down through this DNA and RNA . 
There are many types of genetic disease e.g- Down Syndrome ( also called Trisomy 21) , Cystic Fibrosis , Huntington's disease , etc. all these diseases are very  serious .

If the father or mother has this type of disease . Then the chance of the child being infected with this disease increase a lot . 

So the only way to prevent all of this from happening is through genetic engineering / gene editing / geneome editing . 

With the help of genetic engineering ..any DNA can be  inserted , Delete , modified and Replaced . 
Using  gene editing , researchers can change the DNA of Animals , Plants and Microorganisms with extremely high precision. This technology has a revolutionary impact on the life sciences is Contributing to New Cancer Therapies  and may make the dream of curing inherited diseases come true , it added .

Emmanuelle Charpentier who is french prof. and  Jennifer A. Doudna , an American , become the 6 th and 7 th women to win a Nobel for Chemistry . Joining the like of  Marie Curie (1911) and Frances Arnold (2018) .


CRISPR : Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Plain Dromic Repeats .
CaS 9 : It is an Protien and working as a Scissors . 
CRISPR - Technology : is also called Cut and Paste Mechanism .

CRISPR - CaS 9 mechanism 

With this technology , the strand of DNA that is infected or the strand that is responsible for the disease is cut off . 
The function of the CaS 9 protein is to destroy or cut off the DNS strand . After cutting the Strand ,it will be comes automatically / Re-built according to the Immune system . At this point , Scientists change the DNA coding so that the disease is eliminated form the body .

This blog discusses who won the Nobel prize in Chemistry in 2020...

I will also discuss in detail in the next blogs who won the Nobel prize in others Catagory/ Subject in 2020.....

So good bye everyone and stay safe...I hope you all  like this blogg ... Read this blogg...know some information and gain your Knowledge......


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